PRECISION Diagnósticos

Somos especializados em Testes Personalizados para Medicina Funcional e Integrativa

Saúde Hormonal

O mais inovador e mundialmente conhecido teste para avaliar o metabolismo hormonal

Saúde Intestinal

Mapeamento Completo do Microbioma juntamente com marcadores funcionais

Metabolômica Nutricional

Avaliação precisa e abrangente do estado metabólico e nutricional de um indivíduo

Encontre a causa-raiz de diversos problemas crônicos

Existem diversas formas através das quais o equilíbrio corporal pode ser comprometido. Nossas análises exploram informações clínicas vinculadas à saúde do intestinal, nutricional, metabólica, endócrina e genética, com o objetivo de detectar as razões fundamentais por trás de condições crônicas de saúde.

“Na Precision, enfatizamos a importância de utilizar testes diagnósticos detalhados e específicos, ao invés de fazer suposições baseadas apenas em sintomas ou em abordagens padronizadas de tratamento.”
Kayo Assen Founder e CEO
+ 10
+ 1 K

Nossos exames são adotados na Prática Clínica por +de 40.000 profissionais de saúde ao redor do mundo.

Agora estão disponíveis no Brasil pela PRECISION

Artigos e Informações em Saúde Funcional

How to easily understand your insurance contract

There are certain types of insurance most people need to have. For example, if you own a home then homeowner’s insurance may be standard. Auto insurance covers your vehicle while life insurance protects you and your loved ones in a worst-case scenario.

Wages and benefits growth deals yet another blow

There are certain types of insurance most people need to have. For example, if you own a home then homeowner’s insurance may be standard. Auto insurance covers your vehicle while life insurance protects you and your loved ones in a worst-case scenario.

The basics of financial responsibility

There are certain types of insurance most people need to have. For example, if you own a home then homeowner’s insurance may be standard. Auto insurance covers your vehicle while life insurance protects you and your loved ones in a worst-case scenario.

6 Tips for Getting Approved for a Mortgage

There are certain types of insurance most people need to have. For example, if you own a home then homeowner’s insurance may be standard. Auto insurance covers your vehicle while life insurance protects you and your loved ones in a worst-case scenario.

How to Set Financial Goals for Your Future

There are certain types of insurance most people need to have. For example, if you own a home then homeowner’s insurance may be standard. Auto insurance covers your vehicle while life insurance protects you and your loved ones in a worst-case scenario.

The New York city economy tracker

There are certain types of insurance most people need to have. For example, if you own a home then homeowner’s insurance may be standard. Auto insurance covers your vehicle while life insurance protects you and your loved ones in a worst-case scenario.